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The Investment Charter

Chad At The Heart Of Africa And CEMAC

A link between white Africa and black Africa, Chad can boast of being at the heart of the continent. Moreover, its recent awakening with on the one hand the advent of democracy and on the other hand the gigantic oil project, undeniably places Chad at the heart of profound changes.
Central Africa, formerly dependent on the economic weight of Cameroon and Gabon, has seen the emergence of Equatorial Guinea and especially Chad in recent years. The latter now has concrete arguments to play a leading role within the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).

The economic improvement that Chad is experiencing with the exploitation of oil is hardly unrelated to the fact that within the Standing Conference of African and French Chambers of Commerce (CPCCAF) the country, through its consular institution, has recently seen at the Libreville meeting, her mandate as President of the Cemac Zone and Vice President of CPCCAF renewed for the next two years.
This recognition proves, if need be, that Chad currently enjoys a positive image capital within CEMAC and therefore on the continent. It is therefore right that the country strives to be more active in the various specialized institutions of CEMAC so that the sub-region develops active solidarity for the benefit of 30 million souls.
Chad already hosts the headquarters of various specialized institutions of CEMAC. These include the Economic Community of Cattle, Meat and Halieutic Resources (CEBEVHIRA) whose beautiful brand new building adjoins the building of the Ministry of Higher Education, the court of justice consisting of a judicial chamber and a Chamber of Accounts, and the Regional Pole of Applied Research in the Development of the Savannas of Central Africa (PRASAG) resulting from national agricultural research systems.
Anchoring in Central Africa does not prevent Chad, a landlocked country, from finding other outlets to the sea. In fact, in addition to the main transit port for goods both for export and for import that is Douala, other port spaces have been obtained thanks to the active involvement of the Head of State in person and are just waiting to be exploited. With this in mind, the Chamber of Commerce, which is responsible for their development, is working to find funding from donors for the construction of warehouses at the ports of Cotonou (Benin), Lomé (Togo), Moussarata ( Libya)
Beyond the port areas, Chad is inevitably establishing itself, more and more, as a pole of attraction. However, when asked to carry out or host numerous trade missions from and to the four corners of the continent, the consular institution is unfortunately still struggling to restructure itself in order to seize all these opportunities. And to remedy this situation in the near future, promoting the private sector is one of the government's priorities.

This is the official website of the Chad Embassy in the U.S.A. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.


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